$DXM-DexMoon Contract : Techrate Audit, Video release

2K Finance
Jun 20, 2021


DXM had our Token source code audited by Techrate, and are pleased with the results, as everything passed, besides one severity we where already aware of and had already implemented these recommendations into the live code of the running DexMoon contract. Our next audit will be on our live contracts once we have a couple more vaults up and running, and we can start having everything audited as a whole live ecosystem.

Link to Techrate Audit

DexMoon Contract explained by 2kFinance Lead Solidity Dev.

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⚫️ Social Links:
◾️Telegram : https://t.me/TwoK_Finance
◾️Twitter: https://twitter.com/DexMoon_by_2K
◾️Websites: https://www.2kfinance.app soon https://www.2kfinance.com
◾️TWOK-Twitter : https://twitter.com/twokfinance
◾️Medium : https://2kfinance.medium.com/
◾️GitHub : https://github.com/TwoKFinance/DexMoon
◾️Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/DexMoon/



2K Finance

We are a group of crypto enthusiasts, and developers from around the globe building fun and experimental projects. Our first of many projects is 2K (TwoK).